Thursday, March 6, 2014

This little light of mine

Hello world! I'm back from a very busy past couple of weeks. Life can really pass you by when your busy! A lot has happened in the Stouts life here but I feel the need to really only discuss one certain part. Last Wednesday and how God works in ways we don't understand. Showing constantly his perfect timing. I love it!

Last Wednesday Tyler and I had the chance to attend a Special Olympics swim meet. One of our sweet youth members was apart of this. I don't even know where to begin with this post except by saying how blessed we felt from our experience.

lets fast forward to last nights youth devotion. We are currently discussing how to really follow Christ. How to totally die to ourselves and this world and follow Him. One of my youth boldly says "I'm scared sometimes to let my light shine." I ask her why!? Her response is "this world is so hard on us. People pick on me and judge to no end." Broke my heart. Middle school student were talking about here. A young girl that is so full of Gods light and so willing to follow Him.

ok rewind to last Wednesday. Here we are in a small indoor pool area at our local YMCA surrounded by children with special needs and their parents and teacher. My heart was so full. So full of love and happiness because of these children who I'm sure didn't even know I existed in that crowded place.

Why so full??

So here's my point.

These kids were so pleased. SO excited and so content. Their lives are far different from mine. I have so much to be grateful for but that's besides the point. Point is these kids had no idea that their sweet smiles and excitement, no matter if they finished first or last, totally made my day. I was so happy I wanted to cry. They had the sweetest glow around them that no one could put out. Their light was shinning so bright that this girl felt the excitement they felt.

This changed our lives. Tyler and I left that place lost for words. We get in the car and both just look at each other in amazement. God is so good. These precious children of His made so perfect in his sight just changed our lives.

In Tyler's words: "To me that's kind of what I picture heaven to be like. Pure joy. So much happiness we overflow into each other."

Last night I did my best to assure my youth that there will always be something in life that someone doesn't agree with. But don't you ever let your light go dim or allow someone to steal your joy. There's way too much in this world that can shut you down. But like the children last Wednesday,  we need to take life as a gift. Everyday. Nothing is ever promised. No matter if we finish first or last, the ultimate prize isn't in this world. Its what's to come way beyond what this world could ever offer. That's why we need to let our light for Christ shine daily. You never know who around you needs to see that glow like what we experienced that day.

this little light of mine. im going to let it shine.
love. pearls glitter and grace