Tuesday, February 11, 2014


This post is to the point and slightly raw. It's real.

Every where around us these days society gives EVERYTHING a label. I feel like as a woman I'm tested everyday on what being "content" really is all about.

Ever feel like you just don't "fit in" because you "don't have what they have"? 

9 out of 10 times those people are wondering what your world is like also. This is where being content comes in for me. I am so blessed! No I don't have everything you have but I do have everything I need! God is so good people! 

Lets get to the point. Sometimes we need to sit back and take a look at just how good we do have it. I will be the first to admit I am constantly wanting something new. I mean hello everything around us is forever changing and lets be real, we're women and we're into keeping up! But who can afford all that change?

The last few days some things have been weighing on my heart about these thoughts. No really I've been planning this post for days. I've been apart of and heard stories about people in situations where they just don't fit in to the group any more because things have changed. After these few days of thinking and positive influence from great girl friends, I've come to the self promise that I will live a more simple life. It's not all about the material things in life. Those things get old and fade away and for crying out loud CHANGE everyday. Ill never be able to keep up!

The things of this world will some day be of absolutely NO WORTH!
I am not for one single minute saying that if you enjoy keeping up that your wrong!  I'm simply saying as for me, my husband and our future family, we will live a simple life.

Currently we are house hunting. Honestly this is where it all started. Looking at these great grand homes with so much space to keep everyone separated in their own little area may be great for some, but not for us. Small and homey. A place to call ours. A home our future children can come and feel love. A home we can make memories because the space we share doesn't separate us. Most of all a home where God is center. After all that's what it's all about.

Ladies, if your having to go in debt to keep up with your friends, something is wrong! If you don't fit in because you can't shop everyday or have big dinner parties at your home because the space isn't there, that's not the "group" you need.
Again I say, if your into this, great! I have no problems with that. I love this life the good Lord has given me. I have more then I need and more then I'll ever deserve. I just don't stand for hurting those around me who don't have all that I do. It's so sad to see women falling into these situations. Nothing is more downgrading then having the attitude of being "better".

And to those of you who see past this. Who can love beyond material, your amazing. 

I pray that any woman effected by this feeling sees her worth quickly. See how blessed she is and loved through the grace of her Heavenly Father. And I pray an over flow of blessings on her life daily so that her happiness can flood into and touch the lives of those around her because of who she is and not what she has!

Follow me and many others in living a simple life and being content because we are beyond blessed. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. So proud of you. Blessed by this new way The Lord is using you. This would be a great link addition to our church website. Are you up for it?
